Even after a couple of excellent meals and a good night's sleep I am still rocking the high from yesterday's birth! This sweet family was expecting their fourth baby - and waiting to be surprised with gender (after three girls). As we all hung out in the brand new hospital room, bedecked with a twinkle light curtain and full of precious little girls, love and laughter were the prevailing themes. Mom and her doula have been together for previous births and this history gave so much comfort and reassurance. It was my first birth at the recently opened L&D ward at Conway Baptist Hospital and it couldn't have been a better introduction! When my (previously home-birthing) client texted me in early labor asking if I thought we might be able to get some shots with baby still attached to placenta I was dubious but with the help of a respectful and laid back OB and mom's awesome doula (and my personal friend) we were able to make it happen!

I can't wait to finish editing this gallery but for now here are a couple of shots of this incredible family loving on their newest little (girl!):

**Mom and I are aware it's technically not a lotus birth but...for title purposes it sounds SO much more peaceful and beautiful that "intact placenta birth" - and it's mom's birth so she can title if she wants to, ha! Close enough, right? ;)